Chiara Sumiraschi

Chiara Sumiraschi (born in 1972). She graduated in Economics at Bocconi University and she earned a PhD in Urban Projects and Policies from Polytechnic of Milan.
Since 1998, she has been a Research Fellow in Evaluation of public policy at Bocconi University (1998-2018 CERTeT; from 2019 GREEN).
Chiara is an Evaluation specialist with over twenty years of experience in evaluation of public policies, including the design, the conducting and reporting.
Her main research area is related to evaluation of cohesion policy and her current research interests revolve around the dissemination of evidence based on the results of analysis.
She is the author of several scientific articles and books, and she is frequently involved in presentations at various seminars, workshops and events.
She was also a member of the board of AIV (Associazione Italiana di Valutazione, Italian Evaluation Society) from 2004 until 2007.
She established the Observatory on Structural Funds (Il Sole 24 Ore) and was the principal economist for journalist involved with the publications (thirteen articles from 2015 until 2017).