Green Seminars
Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market
Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market
Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market
Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market
The workshop aims to delve deeper into the Euro-unitary and national discipline regarding energy communities in order to provide a picture of the possible developments of the sector and the opportunities connected to it.
Seminar organized by GREEN's Observatory on Public Contracts and Sustainability. Guest speakers: M. Percoco, M. Mazzamuto
Seminar organized by GREEN's Observatory on Public Contracts and Sustainability. Guest speakers: Anna Maria Chiariello and Scilla Vernile
The workshop constitutes an opportunity to delve deeper into the energy scenarios and policy instruments envisaged by the PNIEC and their impact on economic sectors and activities.
Seminar organized by GREEN's Observatory on Public Contracts and Sustainability. With Guest speakers: G. Primerano, P. Pantalone