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Green Seminars

Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1
R. Daniel Bressler "Breaking Down the Mortality and Social Cost of Carbon"

Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market

Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1
Diogo Gerhard Britto "Let the Water Do the Work: Climate Adaptation Policies and Individual Welfare"

Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market

Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1
Anthony Calacino "Forbearing or Coercing the Leviathan? Elections, Deforestation, and the Politics of Public Goods"

Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market

Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1
Guglielmo Zappalà "Propagation of extreme heat in agriculture across sectors and space"

Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market

Seminar Room 3.b3.sr01, floor 3, Via Roentgen 1
Risto Conte Keivabu "Wildfires and birth outcomes: evidence from Spain"
Social and Political Sciences Job Market - Junior Job Market
Room 31, via Sarfatti 25
Evolution of the Regulatory framework on energy communities and future developments of the sector

The workshop aims to delve deeper into the Euro-unitary and national discipline regarding energy communities in order to provide a picture of the possible developments of the sector and the opportunities connected to it.

Hybrid event
Infrastructure and Investment

Seminar organized by GREEN's Observatory on Public Contracts and Sustainability. Guest speakers: M. Percoco, M. Mazzamuto

Hybrid event
Biodiversity and sustainability

Seminar organized by GREEN's Observatory on Public Contracts and Sustainability. Guest speakers: Anna Maria Chiariello and Scilla Vernile 

Room 13, via Sarfatti 25, Milan
The proposal for updating the Integrated National Plan for Energy and Climate (PNIEC)

The workshop constitutes an opportunity to delve deeper into the energy scenarios and policy instruments envisaged by the PNIEC and their impact on economic sectors and activities.

Hybrid event
Urban Regeneration

Seminar organized by GREEN's Observatory on Public Contracts and Sustainability. With Guest speakers: G. Primerano, P. Pantalone