Decarbonisation of heating and cooling supplies systems at urban level

University Bocconi
District heating systems allow heat to be produced with higher average efficiencies than other modes, and can use thermal waterfalls and waste heat that would otherwise be lost. For these reasons, district heating and cooling systems can generate a range of economic, social, and environmental benefits, including reductions in local pollutants and climate-changing emissions.
Cities offer the ideal context for implementing district heating and cooling networks due to the presence of high densities of energy demand and functional mix. District heating solutions can therefore play an important role in decarbonization strategies at the local level.
Through the presentation of pilot cases in the Milanese reality, the workshop will explore the benefits of adopting urban district heating and cooling solutions at low temperatures, discussing the main management and business models.
The event will be held in Italian.
The participation is free and doesn’t require a fee. Online registration is required.
To participate, please register HERE
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