From smart buildings to smart districts: integrated solutions for smart and sustainable neighbourhoods

Via Sarfatti 25
The concept of smartness in the urban environment is progressively evolving, shifting attention from the building scale to the district scale, as an integrated ecosystem in which sustainability, technological innovation and efficient resource management are combined to improve the quality of urban life. Smart districts represent a model of urban transformation where the intelligent management of physical and natural assets is coupled with the integration of infrastructures, redefining the way we live and operate in urban spaces. Through the participation of experts in urban transformations, developers and managers of public and private buildings, energy, water and mobility infrastructures, the workshop aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities related to the development of smart, sustainable and resilient neighborhoods.
14.30 Introduction
Edoardo Croci Smart City Observatory Coordinator, GREEN - Bocconi University
Giuseppe Franco Ferrari Smart City Observatory Coordinator, Angelo Sraffa Department of Legal Studies, Bocconi University
The Milan Neighborhood Plan and opportunities for the creation of smart districts
Gaia Romani Councilor for Decentralization, Neighborhoods and Participation, Civic and General Services, Municipality of Milan
Layla Pavone Head of the Board of Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Coordination, Municipality of Milan
Smart districts in Italian municipalities
Giada Maio Head of the Energy, Air Quality, Sustainable Mobility and Local Public Transport Office, ANCI
Smart districts: demonstrators of technologies and smart communities
Claudia Meloni Head of the Project Technologies for the efficient penetration of the electric vector in end uses, ENEA
Round table: Innovations in the built environment and infrastructure: opportunities at the neighborhood scale
coordinated by: Tania Molteni Research fellow, GREEN University Bocconi
Christophe Beaufils General Counsel, Edison Next
Anna Fengite Head of Projects and Urban Plans Sector, Euromilano
Marco Iuorio Head of Digital Transition ANCE
Mariantonietta Lisena General Manager, IFMA – Chapter Italy
Francesco Mascolo CEO, MM
Matteo Mognaschi President, Aler Milano
Lorenzo Monga Head of Sustainable Transition Grids, A2A spa
17.15 Conclusions
Participation is free, registration is required at the following link: