Smart cities and climate crisis: solutions for adaptation and urban resilience

Room 204
Via Sarfatti 25
Smart City Observatory Workshop

Cities are particularly vulnerable to the climate crisis and the associated risks and impacts. Already today, the intensification of extreme phenomena linked to climate change (such as intense rainfall, heat waves, drought, and strong winds) causes significant damage to communities, infrastructure, and economic activities. Local decision-makers and urban service managers must adopt adaptation measures that consider the continuously evolving environmental and climatic conditions. Increasing digitalization and data availability can enhance forecasting capabilities and help define more effective risk response and communication strategies. The workshop will explore management, infrastructural (including nature-based solutions), and digital solutions to strengthen cities' abilities to address climate change and improve urban resilience.


Programme (in Italian as the event will be held in Italian)


09.45 Registrazione dei partecipanti

Edoardo Croci Coordinatore Osservatorio Smart City, GREEN - Università Bocconi
Giuseppe Franco Ferrari Coordinatore Osservatorio Smart City, Dipartimento di Studi Giuridici Angelo Sraffa, Università Bocconi

Il Piano Nazionale di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici: il ruolo degli enti locali
Laura D’Aprile Capo Dipartimento sviluppo sostenibile, Ministero Ambiente e Sicurezza Energetica

La strategia di resilienza di Milano: misure e soluzioni adottate
Ilaria Giuliani Chief Resilience Officer, Comune di Milano

Tavola rotonda: trasformare gli spazi, le infrastrutture e i servizi urbani in un clima che cambia 
Modera: Benedetta Lucchitta Spoke 1 MUSA, Università Bocconi

Attilio Di Cunto Amministratore Delegato, Euromilano
Rossella Bozzini Head of Sustainability, Aeroporti di Roma
Massimiliano Musmeci Direttore generale ANCE
Luca Rigoni Presidente e Amministratore Delegato, A2A Calore e Servizi


Participation is free, registration is required at the following link: 

For information:

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