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Guido Guerzoni_1

History of cultural institutions and art markets, History of Culture, Cultural Management, Rights Management, Museum Studies.


I am researcher in Economic History and I teach at SDA Bocconi. Since 1996 I have taught courses and seminars in several Bocconi degree programs, in particular within the Bachelor of Economics and Management of Arts, Culture and Communication and the Master of Science in Economics and Management of Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment. I collaborate with ASK (Art, Science, Knowledge) research center. I was Research Fellow at the University of Sussex (2001-2003), I won the Research Rellowship for the Getty Institute Research Center of Los Angeles (2003-2004), and I was Deborah Loeb Brice Fellow at I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (2003-2004). Since 2005, I have collaborated with the Research Department of Victoria and Albert Museum of London, where I am invited as Visiting Professor for academic year 2008-2008. I am contributor to il Sole24Ore financial daily and il Giornale dell'Arte art journal.