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The new Coronavirus also affects the consumption of energy
The terrible tragedy caused by the spread of the coronavirus epidemic is affecting significantly the performance of the Italian economy with the reduction in consumption of goods and services. Among these, the consumption of energy is no exception.
A New Approach for Measuring Climate Change Impact and Adaptation
Special Issue on GREEN in Via Sarfatti 25
GREEN Working Paper Nr. 7 covered by La Stampa and the New York Times
Maurizio Malpede awarded as Best Doctoral Dissertation in Environmental and Resource Economics
Green Finance and Climate Policy
RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE), via Bergognone 34, Milano
Grand Challenges and Local Beliefs: How Belief in Climate Change Relates to Greenhouse Gas Emissions in U.S. Manufacturing Facilities
Open lab - Made Green in Italy
OPEN LAB of the project SMART Interreg
Aula N03, Università Bocconi, Piazza Sraffa 13 - Milano
The world after GDP. Which challenges for economy and finance?
The candidates expected to take over Alitalia have withdrawn. The Italian company is undermined by increasing losses.
Article with Oliviero Baccelli for Le Monde