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News & Events

Aula AS01 (piano -2) via Roentgen, 1
The elimination of environmentally harmful subsidies: an opportunity for sustainable development for Italy?
Seminar Room 3.B3.SR01
Solar Radiation Management Termination: knowing when to start by knowing when to stop
Seminar room 5.E4.SR04
The Impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami on Aceh’s Long-Term Economic Growth
Bocconi University
AREUEA International Conference
Aula Magna, via Gobbi 5 Milano
The transformations of the Italian electricity sector between the Bersani Decree and the PNIEC 2030
Seminar room 2.E4.SR03
Governing climate engineering: Insights from a public good or bad experiment
From Water Cops to Smart Meters: an Experiment on Water Conservation Policy in the New Era of Automated Enforcement
Bocconi University
Evaluation, prevention, protection
Seminar Room 4.E4.SR03
Health Benefits of Reducing Air Traffic Noise: Evidence from Changes in Flight Patterns
Milano: una città in trasformazione