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News & Events

Palazzo Reale, interview on infrastructures and transport

Prof. Oliviero Baccelli is interviewed by Sky tg 24

Cariplo Factory - via Bergognone 34, Milano

Presentation of findings of the project INHALE

Room 203
Via Sarfatti 25

Open lesson: MEMIT master

Room 15
Via Sarfatti 25
Decoding the Procurement Code: ten points on the Legislative Decree n. 36/2023

Hybrid event organized by the GREEN Research Center in collaboration with Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali Università degli Studi di Pavia and Università Bocconi, in memory of Alessandro Parini

The growing economy of the sea between new objectives and infrastructures

Read the article by prof. Oliviero Baccelli published on Il Sole 24 Ore

Hybrid event - Room AS01 - Via Roentgen 1 - floor -2
The new Code of public contracts in the perspective of smart cities

The aim of this workshop is to provide a quick, but careful look at the new discipline from a theoretical but above all practical-operational point of view, with particular regard to the aspects of greatest interest for the development of the smart city, such as simplification, digitization, public-private collaboration, and procurement in the cultural sector.

Italy flies again: how will Ita react to low cost companies' power?

Watch the video interview to prof. Oliviero Baccelli by CorriereTv

Room 14 via Sarfatti 25, 1st floor
The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change impacts and measures for prevention and management

Hybrid workshop organized by the Green Economy Observatory

Hybrid event - Room 302, via Sarfatti 25, 3rd floor and online
Urban Mining. The City as a Metropolitan Mine for Materials

The meeting aims to analyze the strategies for the valorisation of urban waste in a circular perspective and to explore the opportunities related to urban mining, through participation
of representatives of institutions, the world of research and companies active in various
supply chains and sectors.

Air transoprt: a more flexible and seasonal organizational model than the past

Read the article by Prof. Oliviero Baccelli published on Il Sole 24 Ore