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News & Events

The Great Crisis of Maritime Transport - Podcast

Prof. Oliviero Baccelli analyzes the crisis of maritime transport after the 2020 pandemic in a podcast by SDA Bocconi Insight

Circular Economy and Finance Relationship - Podcast

Prof. Claudio Zara investigates finance and sustainability in a podcast by Intesa Sanpaolo

Hybrid event - room 204, Via Sarfatti 25, Milan
Sustainability is/and - ecosystem services in the circular economy

Hybrid workshop organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability, GREEN.

Behaviors as a lever of the ecological transition

The modification of individual behaviors is one of the most relevant dimensions for the ecological transition, capable to modify the demand for consumer products / services in a logic of greater efficiency in the use of resources and sustainability. During the meeting, policies, strategies and measures aimed at triggering virtuous behavior in a plurality of sectors will be explored.

The aviation industry, between crisis and new models

Interview by Il Sole 24 Ore to prof. Oliviero Baccelli

Room AS01 via Roentgen 1 - Hybrid event
Perspectives and role of biomethane in the energy transition

Biomethane can play an important role in decarbonization of transport and other sectors. The conference intends to present the results of the activity carried out by the Renewable Gas Observatory (OGR).

The new mobility is in progress: objective 2026

Article for Il Giorno by Oliviero Baccelli

AULA AS 01 VIA ROENTGEN 1 - Hybrid event
Perspectives for the use of Hydrogen as an Energy Vector

Workshop organized by the Smart City Observatory

The event will be held in Italian.

Room AS03, Via Röntgen 1
Setting the scene: towards a new order in the strategy market?

With Michele Polo, GREEN; Bassam Fattouh, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies; Manfred Hafner, SciencesPo Paris School of International Affairs and Alessandro Lanza, Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei - FEEM


Bocconi Roentgen - Room 4-E4-SR03 - Hybrid event
In house providing

Workshop organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability 

The event will be held in Italian