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The Green Economy for the development of the Alpine arch
The workshop will present the results of a study on indicators and potential development of the Alpine areas, carried out by GREEN in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea
Bocconi University
Digital Services for Circular Economy in the Construction Sector
The webinar will present "CINDERELA One-Stop Shop", the new digital business environment for actors involved in value chains for urban construction works with the use of secondary raw materials recovered from local/regional waste streams.
Bocconi University
Collective Action Initiatives in Energy Transition
The webinar will present COMETS (H2020 project) activities and discuss the role of Collective Action Initiatives (CAI) in Energy Transition
Bocconi University
The Green Deal in Times of Covid-19

Online workshop organized by the Green Economy Observatory

Bocconi University
Smart cities and digital services facing health, economic and social crisis caused by Covid-19

Online Workshop Osservatorio Smart City

Aula N03, Università Bocconi, Piazza Sraffa 13 - Milano
The world after GDP. Which challenges for economy and finance?
Aula A, Via Sarfatti 25
Food and Sustainability
Aula N08, Piazza Sraffa 13 (Velodromo)
The prospects for liquefied and compressed natural gas in transport
Aula N37, Piazza Sraffa 13
Infrastructures and networks for Smart Cities. What impacts in terms of operational efficiency and social value
Aula AS01 (piano -2) via Roentgen, 1
The elimination of environmentally harmful subsidies: an opportunity for sustainable development for Italy?