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Lombardy in the new Global Value Chains: expected developments in transports and infrastructures
Presented the results of the research by Università Bocconi-GREEN in collaboration with Confindustria Lombardia and Assolombarda
The prospects of Lombardy in the context of the new Global Value Chains
Online conference on the expected developments in the transport infrastructure sector in Lombardy, in the context of the new Global Value Chains. Among the participants: Prof. O. Baccelli.
Economic evaluation of the social benefits of district heating in Italy and Lombardy

Free online workshop organized by Smart City Observatory (GREEN and Angelo Sraffa Dept. of Legal Studies) in collaboration with A2A Calore & Servizi

How to avoid public transport overcrowding?
Increasing public transport's offer is not the solution, rethinking the time schedules of activities that generate more traffic is. Interview to Gabriele Grea
Sharing is not dead. It must only be integrated
Public transport, micromobility and private operators. Which synergies for urban mobility? Interview to Gabriele Grea
Milan public transport
Milan local transport has been put to the test. Analysis by Gabriele Grea
Airports - a sunray over the clouds
For their qualities, Milan airports are able to better overcome this global crisis. Analysis by Oliviero Baccelli
Market rewards model and flexibility of low cost companies
Air transport is among the sectors mostly affected by the pandemic. There are still many clouds on the horizon of a sector that symbolizes globalization and new forms of tourism. Interview to Oliviero Baccelli
The real costs of electric mobility
According to experts, the cost differential compared to endothermic motor vehicles, mainly due to the cost of batteries, will be reduced over time until it will be eliminated. However, this dynamic is likely to be affected by regulations, technological developments and consumers' choises. Interview to Oliviero Baccelli
Challenges and opportunities of smart innovation
In a rapidly changing market environment, the cutting-edge experiences of some European cities highlight the positive effects (but also some critical points) resulting from technological innovation and new services ecosystems for the development of a more sustainable and efficient mobility. Interview to Gabriele Grea