News & Events
Horizon 2020 CORONADX
The GREEN centre starts a new research activity within the Horizon 2020 project CORONADX - Three Rapid Diagnostic tests (Point-of-Care) for COVID-19
Twenty euros to fly to Sardinia? In the summer the low cost war breaks out
Interview to Oliviero Baccelli
From the crisis to the new scenarios: how air transport will change
Morning call by Oliviero Baccelli for Il Sole24 Ore
Navigating Towards “New Normal” in Liner Shipping: Risk and Uncertainties
Commentary by Oliviero Baccelli for ISPI
Building more resilient cities: presentation of the Sixth Urban@it report
Online workshop of the Smart City Observatory
CSR and social innovation meeting
Fabio Iraldo and Michele Merola - GREEN Bocconi - will take part to the major event in Italy related to CSR: Il Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale
Political price for Autostrade per l'Italia
Article by Marco Percoco for
More commuters, more deaths - private cars as responsible as public transport
Interview to Marco Percoco by la Repubblica
Keynes with a helmet on major infrastructure construction sites: in 2021 investments risk slowing down
Will major infrastructure works help the economy regain lost ground?
GREEN's contribution to the official consultation on non-financial reporting adoption promoted by CONSOB
GREEN, through its circular and sustainable finance team led by Prof Claudio Zara, has taken part to the official consultation on non-financial reporting adoption (DNF - Dichiarazione non Finanziaria) promoted by CONSOB