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News & Events

CSR and social innovation meeting
Fabio Iraldo and Michele Merola - GREEN Bocconi - will take part to the major event in Italy related to CSR: Il Salone della CSR e dell'innovazione sociale
Political price for Autostrade per l'Italia
Article by Marco Percoco for
More commuters, more deaths - private cars as responsible as public transport
Interview to Marco Percoco by la Repubblica
Keynes with a helmet on major infrastructure construction sites: in 2021 investments risk slowing down
Will major infrastructure works help the economy regain lost ground?
GREEN's contribution to the official consultation on non-financial reporting adoption promoted by CONSOB
GREEN, through its circular and sustainable finance team led by Prof Claudio Zara, has taken part to the official consultation on non-financial reporting adoption (DNF - Dichiarazione non Finanziaria) promoted by CONSOB
Global commitment to climate facing the pandemic

Online workshop of the Green Economy Observatory.

Redesigning urban spaces to ensure well-being and health in the Covid era

Online workshop of the Smart City Observatory.

The contribution of local actors to the implementation of the European strategy for the circular economy
Online workshop of the Green Economy Observatory - Joint meeting: Policy table and Management table
Prof. Zara takes part to the Social Impact Investments International Conference
Prof. Zara will take part to the 4th edition of the Social Impact Investments International Conference, organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” on 4 December, 2020, with a paper on the relation between circular asset class and risk-adjusted performance in equity markets.
Online conference
How to achieve SDGs through local action
Bocconi GREEN, in collaboration with the Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) and the Journal of Urban Ecology, has launched the Call for Papers: "How To Achieve SDGs Through Local Action". Selected papers will be presented at a online conference on 27th November 2020