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Business models for financing Circular Economy
Circular Economy is a key dimension of the European Green Deal to overcome the Covid-19 emergency through the mobilization of funds provided by Next Generation EU. This is the focus of the workshop organized by GEO and Sustainable Finance Forum in collaboration with the European Commission.
The electric mobility revolution
Innovation and sustainablity are at the heart of new initiatives on public transport, focusing on services as well. Have a look at the latest issue of Via Sarfatti 25, with an editorial by Oliviero Baccelli
Facility management and digital technologies for smart building at times of Covid-19

The workshop will involve a number of operators, technology solution providers and experts, to present the advantages of innovative solutions in the phase of restart

Alitalia leaves Malpensa and bets on Linate
Interview to Oliviero Baccelli, MEMIT Director
Senti che aria tira
The webinar will present the results of a study on air pollution, sustainable mobility and transport habits carried out by Altroconsumo, with the scientific support of GREEN Bocconi and funding from Regione Lombardia.
The Green Economy for the development of the Alpine arch
The workshop will present the results of a study on indicators and potential development of the Alpine areas, carried out by GREEN in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea
Italy's future runs on rail
With the Recovery Fund lunched by the European Union, there is room for new investments in railways (and there is a great need for it). Interview to Marco Percoco
The Hidden Evil
Not only bars. "Many companies are no longer in the production line." Interview to Marco Percoco
Ricci S.p.A. and the Green Economy Observatory for Sustainability in Construction
The focus of the synergy will be on a pilot site in Milan. Ricci SpA and GEO will closely examine indicators 9 and 12 of the SDGs
Circular Economy for the aftermath
Cities are playing an increasing role in global competition. The choices of where to live and place production activities are no longer focused on countries, but on cities. In this context, Milan is the only true global city in Italy. Article by Edoardo Croci