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News & Events

The new certification protected environment according to the PDR UNI 107: 2021
The event - organized in collaboration with Pool Ambiente and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – will present and discuss the new reference standard UNI 107: 2021 "Protected Environment - Guidelines for the prevention of damage to the environment - Technical criteria for effective management of environmental risks", which defines the guidelines for effective prevention of damage to the environment and for the protection of natural resources in relation to specific risk scenarios applicable to organizations, as well as for the relative mitigation.
Containment of litigation in public procurement: the Dispute Adjudication Board
Online event organized by Camera Arbitrale di Milano on the role of the Dispute Adjudication Board (Collegio Consultivo Tecnico).
Infrastructure and Development: New Perspectives, New Solutions to Recover from the Covid-19 crisis

At the occasion of Think20 (T20), G20 summit, the workshop is organized along the release of INTERSECTING, Sustainable responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, an innovative book and a project initiated by the Global Solutions Initiative, with 96 co-authors from across G20 countries. Join high-level experts from a uniquely diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines, to propose and discuss new ways to build and implement sustainable responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, through new infrastructure and development perspectives.

Climate protection as a constitutional right
L'evento ha l'obiettivo di stimolare il confronto ed il dibattito sul valore costituzionale della tutela del clima, coinvolgendo esperti in ambito giuridico, di policy e i rappresentanti delle nuove generazioni.
The contribution of local actors to climate policies and the sustainable development agenda

This event aims to discuss the role, the commitments and the actions taken at the sub-national level, particularly in urban areas, in order to evaluate the contribution of local actors to the implementation of the SDGs and to the solution of the climate crisis. The event is included in the program of All4Climate Italy 2021 initiative by the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, which encompasses Pre-COP climate events taking place in Italy.

The present and the future of sustainable fashion
Il convegno affronterà le possibilità e le prospettive d’azione per le aziende del fashion a fronte delle novità imminenti della Strategia Sustainable Textiles nell’ambito dell’attuale quadro politico internazionale, fornendo insight rilevanti sulle strategie gestionali, gli aspetti operativi e gli approcci alla valutazione della circolarità
Antitrust and environmental sustainability
Article by prof. Marco Percoco, Director of GREEN Bocconi
Prof. Miriam Allena interviewed on PNNR
Il sole 24 ore - Morning Call: video
Ecological transition and decarbonization: which governance model for the PNRR?
The meeting aims to analyze the conditions for an effective ecological transition and decarbonization.
Legislative Decree 77/2021 (Decreto Semplificazioni): the impacts on public contracts
What are the impacts of Legistlative Decree 77/2021 on public contracts?