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News & Events

Dialogues on Economics' Law
Webinar organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability, GREEN.
Smart cities in time of resilience

The aim of this meeting is to stimulate the debate on the concept of resilience in a perspective that is not only abstract, but also operational, in order to guide the evolution of the city in the light of the current pandemic crisis. The workshop is held on the occasion of the publication of the book “Smart cities in time of resilience” edited by Giuseppe Franco Ferrari

Wired Future Lab - Sustainable Transitions
Wired Future Lab, 22 November 2021. Circular economy and energy transition: the future of our planet is bonded to success. Interview with Gabriele Grea.
Room B, via Sarfatti 25, Milan
Public-Private Synergies, Ecological Transition and Urban Regeneration
The seminar is organized by UPEL and Fondazione Enti Locali with the scientific contribution of the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability of the Centre GREEN, Università Bocconi.
Scenarios and perspectives of the electrification of public road transport through an innovative benchmark analysis

The aim of the meeting is to present the results of the research commissioned by Enel Foundation and animate the debate with the main stakeholders.

New book on urban Nature-based Solutions, edited by Edoardo Croci and Benedetta Lucchitta, will be presented at COP26
Professor Edoardo Croci, takes part to a COP26 side event in Glasgow.
What Does the Future of Shipping Look Like After Covid-19?
Commentary by Oliviero Baccelli for ISPI online
“Fit for 55”: a race towards the ecological transition

The new “Fit for 55” package, adopted by the European Commission on July 14, presents a series of legislative proposals for the definition of climate policies suitable for achieving the new target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. The meeting is an opportunity to evaluate the impacts of the package on Italy's competitiveness and to analyze the ongoing updating of climate strategies and plans, starting with the PNIEC.

Online Webinar
Territorialisation of EU Cohesion Policy
Online Workshop: Territorialisation of EU Cohesion Policy 19 October 2021, 14:00-18:30 CET
The role of energy communities in the transition to smart and sustainable cities

The meeting aims to address and discuss the main issues for the development of energy communities in Italy, with the contribution of the world of research, institutions, regulation and companies active on the subject.