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Maximilian Göbel is a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University, working with Professors Massimo Guidolin, Marco Percoco, and Claudio Zara under the “Fin4Green – Finance for a Stustainable Green and Resilient Society” project, funded by Ministero ...
Gabriele Grea is a Researcher in the field of Transport and Territorial Economics. His activity concerns in particular the themes of smart and sustainable mobility, infrastructures and territorial development. He has carried out specific projects in ...
History of cultural institutions and art markets, History of Culture, Cultural Management, Rights Management, Museum Studies. I am researcher in Economic History and I teach at SDA Bocconi. Since 1996 I have taught courses and seminars in severa ...
Massimo Guidolin is a Professor of Finance at Bocconi University, where he teaches a number of courses in Econometrics (both at the Master’s and Ph.D. levels) and Asset Pricing. He also teaches Portfolio Management at SDA Bocconi. Massimo holds a Ph. ...
Fabio Iraldo currently holds academic positions as Full Professor of Management at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, where he co-ordinates a research group within the Management Institute, and is a Research Fellow at GREEN (Centre for Geography ...
Heritage studies, museum studies, critical/difficult heritage, decolonial studies,  organization studies, fascist heritage. I am Research Collaborator at  LYNX research center and PhD candidate in Analysis and Management of Cultur ...
Benedetta Lucchitta holds an MSc in “Planning and policies for cities and environment” and currently she is a PhD candidate in urban planning and policies at IUAV University in Venice. She has worked as a researcher at GREEN since 2014 focusing on ec ...
Monia Magnani is a postdoctoral researcher at Bocconi University under the “Fin4Green – Finance for a Sustainable Green and Resilient Society” project, funded by Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca. She is currently a PhD candidate in Finance a ...
Maurizio Malpede is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the GREEN Center of Bocconi University and Visiting Researcher at the Laboratory for Effective Anti-poverty Policies (LEAP) at the same University. Previously, Maurizio was Junior Researcher at Fondazione ...
Michele Merola is a Researcher at GREEN - Centre for research in Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks – at Bocconi University. Since 2003 he has been developing wide-ranging experience on issues of sustainability, coordinating sever ...
She is a Research fellow at GREEN – Bocconi University. She holds a MA in Environmental Social Sciences (Geography) from Milan State University. Her research interests regard urban sustainability, in particular the monitoring and evaluation of low ca ...
Intellectual property law, digital copyright, competition law, public art law, architectural copyright. I am Associate Professor of commercial law at Bocconi University since 2012. I was Assistant professor in Commercial Law from 2005 to 2012. I ...
Organizational behaviors and cognitive psychology - in particular organizational identification and social networks within the organization and their impact on individuals' attitudes and behaviors.Sustainability, innovation, and corporate governance ...
Dario Musolino is a Senior Researcher in Economic Geography. He collaborates with GREEN at Bocconi University. He is a Contract Professor in Economics at Università della Valle d’Aosta (Aosta, Italy). He is author of more than 100 publications at the ...
Greta Nasi is Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University. She is also Director of the Master of Science in Cyber Risk Strategy and Governance, jointly offered by Bocconi University and Politecnico di ...
Simone Padoan is an Associate Professor in Statistics at Bocconi University. He is a scientist at the Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici - CMCC. His research interests focus on Applied Probability Statistical Theory and Computational ...
Pasquale Pantalone is Researcher of Administrative Law at the University of Milan and obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor of Administrative Law in 2018. He has spent periods of research at UC Berkeley, Trinity Colleg ...
Cultural commoning, urban regeneration, hybrid spaces, cultural innovation, social innovation, social movements. I am currently PhD student in regional planning and public policy at Università Iuav di Venezia, and project manager of the European ...
Silvia Pianta is a PhD candidate in Public Policy and Administration at Bocconi University and an affiliate of the RFF- CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE). In spring 2018 she was a visiting PhD student at Princeton Univer ...
Since 2007, Federico has been a Research Fellow at GREEN (Centre for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks) at Bocconi University. Federico is currently Assistant Professor in Energy Economics at the University of Milan. In 2014, Fed ...
Poverty analysis, poverty mitigation strategies, project monitoring and evaluation.  I have been working as a development economist for more than 25 years and have extensive experience in the field, gained from working at the World Bank fro ...
Dr Savelli is a postdoctoral researcher (RTDa) in Applied Economics at the GREEN centre since January 2023. He is PI of the peer-reviewed project “GREENER: Decarbonising the energy system by incentivising energy storages in the right places” funded w ...
He is Emeritus Professor of Regional Economics, former Director of the SDA Bocconi Economics Department and president of the Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali. He has been Director of CERTeT Centre for Research on Regional Economics, Transpo ...
Antonio Sileo is an expert in energy markets, energy and environmental policy, energy regulation and automotive. A Researcher at IEFE - Bocconi University since 2003, he is a Research Fellow at GREEN and Director of the Energy Innovation Observatory ...
Mauro Silvestri holds a PhD in Administrative Law from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and is currently Research Fellow at Bocconi University. His research interests range from administrative trial and general administrative law to ...
Chiara Sumiraschi (born in 1972). She graduated in Economics at Bocconi University and she earned a PhD in Urban Projects and Policies from Polytechnic of Milan. Since 1998, she has been a Research Fellow in Evaluation of public policy at Bocconi Un ...
Scilla Vernile is Researcher of Administrative Law at the University of Sassari and obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor of Administrative Law in 2017. She obtained the Intensive International Master of Laws in Europe ...
Art fairs, audience development, audience engagement, exhibitions, art market, art galleries. I am a PhD candidate and visiting fellow at the ASK Research Center. I hold a DIRS-COFUND scholarship and carries out her doctoral research at the Inst ...