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The cultural and artistic policies of large European companies

In-depth study of the case of the UniCredit company

Client: UniCredit
Research team: Stefano Baia Curioni, Maria Luisa Palma


The research has the following objectives:

  • To carry out a qualitative research on the ways in which large European companies operate in the artistic and cultural sectors, with reference to the areas and modalities of intervention, the assessment systems and the processes to integrate these with the more general managerial activities of companies.
  • To conduct an in-depth study of the case of the company UniCredit, by implementing dialogue with and support to the management, in particular dedicated to the relationship between the cultural projects financed and the internal level of awareness.
  • To identify possible lines of action to increase the internal level of awareness on the interventions, integrating the cultural assets within the company systems and processes.
  • To suggest strategically relevant areas of intervention in relation to the research conducted, focusing on the commitment of the group in a more efficient manner in order to maximize the effects of the financial investment and the reputational returns.