Cultural Industries
European project of professional training dedicated to young string quartets
Co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
Partnership with SIAE (2021)
Client: SIAE
Research team: Paola Dubini (Scientific supervisor), Alberto MontiData analysis centre. Collaborative relationship aimed at carrying out research activities within the scope of which ASK will conduct analysis on data provided by SIAE with the common goal of establishing a center of knowledge and reference expertise in cultural sectors.
Enhancing Opera places (2015)
The ASK Art, Science & Knowledge Research Centre, in collaboration with Archivio Storico Ricordi and Teatro Sociale di Como (Associazione Lirico Concertistica Italiana; As.Li.Co), has been financed by Regione Lombardia in order to enhance the historic heritage of the Region.
Giuseppe Verdi in Lombardy. The projects aims to develop an online portal,, dedicated to the figure of the composer Giuseppe Verdi. The objective is to promote a tourism linked to the operatic world, with a generally informative style, connecting archives, theatres and specialized museums in the area.
Alternative distribution system for Italian independent cinema (2014)
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Gaia BrunelliThe case of Vittorio Moroni and 50N.
Tunisia (2014)
Client: Hydea SpA
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Rosario CornejoFinanced by the African Development Bank, the project aims at giving a strategic study regarding the cultural industry in Tunisia, with particular attention to the social and economic repercussions in the country. Several activities aiming at raising the awareness in public and private actors are planned through subject seminars related to cultural industries.
The study focuses on the wide range of areas covered by the Ministry of Culture:
- cultural heritage
- cinema
- theatre
- music
- book publishing
- festivals and events
- visual arts.
Confindustria Cultura Italia (2012)
Client: Confindustria Cultura Italia
Scientific supervisor: Paola DubiniThe economic value of the cultural sectors represented in the association. Confindustria Cultura Italia is the Italian federation of cultural industries, assembling different entrepreneurial associations in the fields of publishing, music, television, cinema and videogames. A significant part of the research, therefore, is dedicated to represent adequately the ensemble of the associations. More in detail, the research aims are:
- to represent the fields of content production and distribution;
- to identify, within these fields, the aspects supervised by the associations of Confindustria Cultura (systematically collecting the reports and data that the associations produce);
- to estimate the economic value the associations generate, identifying eventual areas that are not quantified yet, and to suggest new modalities of assessment.
The state of game development in Italy (2012)
Client: AESVI - Associazione Editori Software Videoludici Italiana
Research team: Francesco Saviozzi, Niccolò LongoniThe opportunities for business development linked to creativity and digital technologies. The research aims at investigating the potential and the conditions for the development of the field of Game Development at the Italian level, through a comparative study at the international level and a specific focus on the Italian entrepreneurial realities.
The research will be conducted with the objective of expanding knowledge on the Italian situation and its positioning at the international level and promote the debate among various stakeholders, experts and institutions in order to identify common growth paths for the Italian video-game system.
Emerging business models in content industries (2011)
Client: Google
Research team: Paola Dubini, Cinzia Parolini, Francesco Saviozzi, Lillà Montagnani, Ada Palumbi, Simone Autera, Alessandra GiarinGoogle case study. The research aims at answering the following question: how can copyright law contribute to economic and social growth of the cultural and creative industries? In order to answer this question, we will analyse the processes through which value is created and distributed among actors within different business models that involve digital content distribution platforms. In other words, given that the diverse business models currently active in the market involve both traditional and new players, the research will analyse the alternative ways through which economic value is produced and shared. By doing this, the effects on the current legal framework will be identified and proposals to implement a more business- and consumer-friendly copyright law will be offered.
La ricerca si propone di rispondere alla domanda: come può la legge sul copyright contribuire alla crescita economica e sociale delle industrie culturali e creative? Per rispondere, sono stati analizzati i processi attraverso cui il valore è creato e distribuito tra attori all'interno di diversi modelli di business che coinvolgono le piattaforme di distribuzione di contenuti digitali. In altri termini, dato che i differenti modelli di business al momento attivi nel mercato riguardano sia operatori tradizionali che nuovi player, la ricerca si è concentrata sui modi alternativi in cui il valore economico è prodotto e condiviso. In parallelo, sono stati identificati gli effetti sull'attuale framework legale e sono state formulate alcune proposte per implementare una legge sul copyright più favorevole al settore business e ai consumatori.
Observatory on Mothers (2009- 2010)
Client: Sfera Editore
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Paolo Prestinari (2009); Mario Campana, Maria Rita Micheli, Chiara Paolino, Fattore Mamma (2010); Francesco PasettiResearch project on mommyblogging. The relationship between mothers and information concerns both the informational content supplied by different medias or by users and the communication addressed to mothers by those enterprises aiming at selling specific products or services.
The object of the study are women with sons from -9 months to 14 years old. The research focuses on the process of selecting, filtering, sharing and validating information connected to decisions with a significant effect on domestic economy or on families' choices.
The Observatory has been built in different steps.- Mommyblogging
In 2009 we have gathered data on a sample of nearly 8.000 mothers and we produced a first report. - Mothers and public opinion formation
In 2010 the sample has been incremented by 4.000 mothers. The research outputs have been presented through: a workshop, organized by Università Bocconi, addressed to specialized publics; a meeting, organized by RCS, addressed to mothers; and a meeting for a selected group of managers of enterprises offering products and services for families. The mothers' awareness: contents and sources in the process of information
In 2011 the Observatory has been renewed on the basis of the experiences gained. The reports contain information on the characteristics of the sample and on the variability of the results depending on the characteristics of the mothers, their children's age and the product considered. The research outputs have been presented through two events, organized by Sfera Editore
- Mommyblogging
The transformations in the fields of advertising and communication Europe (2011)
Client: Comitato UPA Formazione
Research team: Paola Dubini, Francesco Di TraniUPA case study. The UPA Formazione Committee, through Centro Studi UPA, has collected, standardized and made available data on advertising expenditures, broken down by means and sectors in a limited number of countries.
ASK has launched a research project in two directions:- the differences in the composition of the sectors and in the economic structure of the countries consideredas a prerequisite to explain the differences between advertising investments.
- the differences in the structure of the media and communication fields in the various countries as a prerequisite to explain the different impacts, among the countries, of advertising investments in different means.
Cinema, Communication, Culture: 3C (2010)
Client: Camera di Commercio di Como
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini, Severino Salvemini
Coordinator: Armando Cirrincione
Research team: Carolina Guerini, Eleonora Cattaneo, Ilaria Morganti, Marina Nicoli, Pier Vittorio Mannucci, Francesco di Trani, Maria Cristina Cito
Project ASK - DIR (Divisione Ricerche SDA)International network of operators and events. The Varese Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Como Chamber of Commerce, Busto Arsizio Film Factory, the Scuole Civiche di Milano Foundation, Txt Polymedia Spa, and, for the Swiss side, the Locarnese and Vallemaggia Region and the Locarno International Film Festival, is the leader of the project Eventi in rete (Online Events), international network of operators and events. The project, which benefits from the financial support of the cross-border cooperation operating scheme IT/CH 2007-2013, aims at supporting collaboration, exchange and mobility between the economic operators and the cultural institutions of the Province of Como, Varese and the Locarnese del Canton Ticino Region that work to create cinematographic and multimedia products and services, communication and culture. Specifically, the project intends non only to stimulate the cooperation between the subjects, operating in such sectors, that focus on the territories of the two Italian provinces and of the Ticino Region, but also to diffuse the knowledge of existing events, define possible actions for the development of the sector, and encourage the matching between education and the market. Indeed, the sector represents a little known but valuable component of the territory of the Insubrica Region. It is strategic not only from the cultural point of view but also because of the economic impact it generates.
PEER (2010)
Client: STM - Associazione Europea Editori Scientifici
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Maria Rita Micheli, Paola Galimberti, Elena GigliaEconomic research: deposit and access at journals and repositories. This project refers to an empirical research on the PEER database as part of the broader effort of PEER to understand under which conditions it is feasible to develop a European based large scale deposit of scholarly publications. More specifically this proposal addresses the issue of the cost of deposit which is increasingly becoming the object of a lively debate among scholars from different disciplines publishers librarians and other actors involved in the research publication and diffusion process. The research questions are: - What are the costs associated to the deposit of stage 2 articles? - Under which conditions are costs minimised? - What are the alternative activity configurations that can be envisaged in the best interest of the research community and collectivity at large? - Who bears the cost of deposit and who enjoys the benefits of a shared database of stage 2 papers under the different alternatives? The specificity of this project (and the risks associated with it) is that it takes a micro perspective in the sense that it determines costs starting from the analysis of real individual companies/institutions and not considering an average situation. Based on the comparison of business models and cost structures of different players it assesses cost ranges for deposit under different scenarios taking PEER as a reference. The proposed methodology is a combination of literature analysis desk analysis of PEER available statistics questionnaire sent to participating stakeholders to PEER aimed at determining the cost of filling an open access repository of stage two articles i.e. the authors' final manuscripts already accepted for publication by a journal and incorporating all changes requested during the peer review process. The empirical base of analysis will be the PEER database.
Enterprises' multi-channel communication strategies (2009)
Client: Burson-Masteller
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Maria Rita Micheli, Mario Campana, Flavia PischiuttaObservatory. The project is aimed at analysing the decision-making process with regard to multi-channel communication in order to verify: (1) the enterprises' expectations about the positioning of their brand and the relevance of channels and communication tools in the near future; (2) the importance of multi-channel communication in the enterprises' overall strategies; (3) the degree of personalization and interactivity of the different typologies of channels; (4) the perceived relevance of multimedia and interactivity in multi-channel communication; (5) the bonds and the opportunities linked to the development of a multi-channel communication; (6) the criteria to evaluate the economic and non-economic return of the investment in multi-channel communication.
The object of the study is to focus on large or medium enterprises of manufacturing and services, operating in different sectors and addressed to the consumer market.
High-brow Italian cinema (2009)
Client: AGIS - Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo
Coordinator: Severino Salvemini
Research team: Fabrizio Montanari, Federico RiboldazziAnalysis of the conditions and actions to help high quality cinema production in Italy. The main purpose of this project is to define the concept of high-brow cinema, testing the idea that a film is not (and has not to be) detached from market dynamics. Therefore, the project will explore how to valorize arthouse Italian cinema, defining approaches and strategies.
Young adults and information (2009)
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Sandro Roventi, Armando CirrincioneResearch on the relationship between young adults (18-30 years old) and sources of information in different contexts. Sustainability of traditional and innovative business models. The project aims to study:
- the relationship with information sources in different contexts;
the sustainability of traditional and innovative business models.
Therefore, the research focuses on:
- the exchanges among media companies, other companies, final customers, and their roles in the processes of production, management, diffusion of information;
- the different possible business and revenue models;
- the economy of mass and niche products;
- the economic and financial implication of the different choices;
- cooperation and competition dynamics among companies.
- Blog "Giovani Adulti e Informazione"
- Rimbalzando tra le fonti - Workshop
Business TV - Addicted to television (2009)
Scientific supervisor: Paola Dubini
Research team: Giampaolo Colletti, Paolo Prestinari, Francesco SaviozziOpen forum and observatory.
The music business in Italy (2005-2006-2007)
Client: SCF, Società consortile fonografici
Scientific supervisor: Andrea Ordanini
Research team: Lorenzo MizzauReport. The economics of the music business reflects the pervasiveness of the music experience and is characterized by different transformations: the spread of new technologies, the rise of new markets, the decline of mature products and the strong growth of other segments.
The Report aims to represent and interpret the value chain of the music system, giving an overall overview of its dynamics. The 2007 Report has been presented at the Rho Fair, within MEET - Music, Events and Entertainment Technology.
Cultural industries (2006)
Client: ANEC
Coordinators: Severino Salvemini, Francesco Casetti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)Research on the conditions of survival of Italian film industry. The project adopts two perspectives, economic and semiotic. It is based on industry data and a reconstruction of the mental map of spectators regarding cinema and consumption.
The research is published in the book "E' tutto un altro film. Più coraggio e più idee nel cinema italiano" (Egea, 2007).
The public property of cinema rights (2004)
Client: Cinecittà Holding
Scientific supervisor: Severino SalveminiInventory and valorization of the Italian movie archive.
Music for motion picture, theatre and other media (2004)
Client: Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Coordinator: Giuseppe Soda
Research team: Severino Salvemini, Tino Cennamo, Fabrizio Montanari, Lorenzo Bizzi, Lorenzo MizzauFostering original Italian music.