via Maresciallo Pilsudski, 92
Biomethane can play an important role in decarbonisation both in transport, both in gaseous and liquid form, as well as in other sectors where it is difficult to reduce CO2 emissions through electrification.
The Conference intends to present the results of the activity carried out by the Renewable Gas Observatory (OGR) and the evolutionary perspectives of biomethane, also in the light of the new incentive schemes.
Del Buono
De Paoli
Presentation of findings of the project INHALE
The aim of this workshop is to provide a quick, but careful look at the new discipline from a theoretical but above all practical-operational point of view, with particular regard to the aspects of greatest interest for the development of the smart city, such as simplification, digitization, public-private collaboration, and procurement in the cultural sector.
Hybrid workshop organized by the Green Economy Observatory
The event intends to represent a comparison between the political institutions and the business world in order to share strategies, programs and objectives deriving from the analysis of the main Structural Funds dedicated to the policies of the future city, which clearly represent or could represent concrete opportunities for structural change and for the technological development of our country.
The conference, organized by GEO - Green Economy Observatory of the GREEN Center and by the SuM - Sustainability Management Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School of Pisa as part of the Life MAGIS (Made Green in Italy Scheme) project, will focus on some key issues for the competitiveness of companies in the wake of the ecological transition, in our country and in the EU, with particular attention to aspects relating to the design of "green" products and to marketing and communication strategies capable of avoiding the risk of greenwashing.
Interoperability, i.e. the ability of networks, systems and solutions to exchange information and communicate effectively, is one of the key elements in smart cities. The interoperability platforms make it possible to systematize the databases of institutions and companies with a view to collaboration and integration.
The workshop aims to explore the benefits and development potential of interoperability platforms and open data in both the public and private sectors.
Italy is the second largest consumer of plastic in Europe: in 2020 5.9 million tons of plastic were consumed in our country, equal to almost 100 kg per person. Plastics are used in many applications, including packaging (which covers 42% of the national plastic consumption), construction and automotive.
The main solutions for decarbonising the plastics supply chain include reducing consumption, increasing recycling rates, replacing fossil raw materials with vegetable ones. These solutions involve significant choices in the policies, management models and behavior of the operators.
The workshop will allow a comparison with representatives of academia, the public and private sector, institutions and civil society on the principles and next steps for a strategy for decarbonising the plastics supply chain.
In the event, the results of the research project coordinated by GREEN Bocconi and carried out with Università degli Studi di Roma Tre will be presented. The project has been financed by the Italian Ministery of Ecological Transition.
Mobility as a service (MaaS - Mobility as a Service) allows the integration of various forms of transport in a mobility service accessible on request through digital platforms.
The meeting will involve transport managers, public transport operators, and experts from
mobility to discuss possible innovations towards more sustainable urban mobility.