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Behaviors as a lever of the ecological transition

The modification of individual behaviors is one of the most relevant dimensions for the ecological transition, capable to modify the demand for consumer products / services in a logic of greater efficiency in the use of resources and sustainability. During the meeting, policies, strategies and measures aimed at triggering virtuous behavior in a plurality of sectors will be explored.

Room AS01 via Roentgen 1 - Hybrid event
Perspectives and role of biomethane in the energy transition

Biomethane can play an important role in decarbonization of transport and other sectors. The conference intends to present the results of the activity carried out by the Renewable Gas Observatory (OGR).

AULA AS 01 VIA ROENTGEN 1 - Hybrid event
Perspectives for the use of Hydrogen as an Energy Vector

Workshop organized by the Smart City Observatory

The event will be held in Italian.

Bocconi Roentgen - Room 4-E4-SR03 - Hybrid event
In house providing

Workshop organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability 

The event will be held in Italian

Bocconi Roentgen - Room 3E4-SR03 - Hybrid Event
Sustainability is/and Social Interest in the Third-sector Public Contracts

Workshop organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability 

The event will be held in Italian

Università Bocconi Aula 1
Via Sarfatti 25
Sustainable Mobility: the necessary choices for a zero-emission future

Workshop organized for the presentation of Renato Mazzoncini's book "Inversione a E" (Egea 2021) 

The event will be held in Italian. 

Online workshop
Sporting Events as Levers of Smart Innovation of Territories

The workshop intends to promote discussion and dialogue on innovation opportunities connected to major sporting events, with a particular focus on the Olympic and Paralympic Games winter. Institutional actors, representatives of the sports and Olympic world will participate, sustainability experts in large events and companies from different sectors, involved in the processes of transformation and investment related to sporting events.

Objective scope of application of the public contracts code

The meeting is part of the series of seminars / webinars 'Public Contracts Workshop Academy' organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability - GREEN Research Centre, Bocconi University

Towards a Carbon Neutral World?

The decarbonization process to achieve carbon neutrality as soon as possible is now a priority at a global, European and Italian level and requires the commitment of both institutional actors, at different levels, and companies and other stakeholders.
The meeting inaugurates the new two-year period of activity of the Green Economy Observatory and intends to deepen the contribution and role of companies in achieving a carbon neutral world.

Private-public partnership and Economic Financial Plan

The seminar/webinar is organized by the Observatory on Public Procurement and Sustainability.

The event will be held in Italian.